Blog – Day 2

What a fantastic day we’ve had with the children here in Poland! After a few very warm days, God has provided us with some cooler temperatures and great weather for fun games outdoors. The children are more comfortable and talkative on day two and have gotten some very good practice on their English skills. It’s been a day filled with fun activities.

In chapel, we sang a song which says, “His truth, truth will be our guide through the day and the darkest night.” Our Bible study showed us that the truth of His Word guides us to stay on the right path in the same way as a dead end sign shows us which paths we should avoid. We are so thankful for the way our Lord lovingly guides us in the path we should go. His Word really is a light unto our feet and a lamp unto our path. I am grateful that God has blessed me with a path that has brought me here to be with the wonderful children and team here at Day Camp in Poland!

– Beth